Monday, June 20, 2011

Thank you

Thanks for the semester i learned a lot and didn't realize how much work is put into the library to keep it running so smoothly. Have a nice summer!

Book Report #5

For my final book report I read Night, I had to read for Socials 11 and I found it to be very disturbing. When I had begun reading it and the writer who was narrating his point of view being in it, wrote that they had thrown babies in the air using them for disk targets. That was probably the most disgusting things I had read throughout the novel. I cannot believe how heartless someone can be to actually throw a baby in the air for target practice just because they are Jewish. I was beyond disgusted. The whole book was very disturbing but I am glad I read it to get more insight on the holocaust. The writer did a really good job describing how the people felt around him and what it was like to really be there. Although the book was disturbing I still enjoyed and learning more information about the Nazis.

Book Report #4

Someone Like You is the other book I read about two best friends. One of their boyfriends is killed in a motorcycle accident and Scarlett finds out she is pregnant with his child. Her friend Halley stays by her side and stays a true friend to her. I found this book very moving, and really showed true friendships. It was a sad novel but the plot was complex and very interesting. It kept me on my toes and it was unpredictable which was good. The relationship shown between the two friends was incredible; the friend Halley was to Scarlett was admirable. I would recommend this book although it is sad; it is very good book to read.

Book Report #3

Another book I enjoyed reading was Dear John, I found this book very romantic and not predictable which was nice. After reading this book I did see the movie and found it was not comparable at all to the book. I loved the relationship that John and Savannah showed in the book, and how each time he came back from combat they fell more and more and more in love. The letters they wrote to each other were very romantic and realistic. The writer of Dear John also wrote from a walk to remember. He is very good at finding realistic relationships although at times they are sad. His style of writing is very interesting to read and he makes me want to never put the book down. I would recommend this book to someone but before they see the movie, and also to not go see the movie. This book is also here in our library which is a plus :)

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Book Response #2

The next book I really enjoyed. This book was in chapters and was only 4 dollars but I still found it very, thrilling, realistic and exciting. If you’re seeing a pattern I enjoy reading realistic books! In this book it's about three best friends and each view of their lives and relationships with their family and friends. The author of the book is Megan Stine, I enjoyed the way she wrote the book since each three best friends were viewed and narrated. Each friend had a completely different personality and things they were dealing with, within their lives. Most of the book is about gearing up to their big prom night, and the prom night itself. Many secrets and non expecting things happen the night of prom. Once I had started reading the part when they went to prom, I had to finish the rest. This book is one of my favourites; I enjoyed the plot and the characters and overall dynamic of the book.

Book Report- He's Jus Not the into You

This book was written by Greg Behrent and Liz Tuccillo. This book was about different relationships of couples and the dynamics of their relationships. It showed many different views and types of relations that can happen. Including ones with affairs, romanic ones, and ones where the relationship was just falling apart all together. I found this book very entertaining and realistic in the end. The book shows you the failures, and identifys when "he's just not that into you". They almost give the reader advice and directions to do with a man. I enjoyed this book found it comical and realistic, it was short but I wouldn't want to read a long book about someone not being that into you.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Library Review

The library I reviewed was Southridge Secondary; which is a private school. From over viewing their library I was surprised to not see very much detail and content within the website. I had figured since they are promoting for parents for their children to attend to the school that they would have put more of an effort into showing the library which is a core area for learning throughout schooling but that was not the case. Their library focuses on how it originated and developed and not actually about what the library has to offer today. I noticed our website is much more complex and has a better image of promoting reading and encouraging coming to the library. Southridge’s library honestly did not have a lot to offer or see on their page, although they did have a gallery of images of their library but that was it. I thought I would have been more impressed but the layout and the content of ours is much more enhanced. Our library’s website lists what it has to offer to the students, the way you can locate books (dewey system), YouTube videos to promote new books in the library, and other important information you need to know.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

journal entry# 7

A broad definition of copyright is that copyright is the legal rights of the owner of the intellectual property created.
The definition of copyright according to Canada's Copyright Act is: "the sole right to produce or reproduce a work or any substantial part thereof in any material form, to perform the work or any substantial part thereof in public, or, if the work is unpublished, to publish the work or any substantial part thereof."

Copyright infringement - It is an infringement of copyright for any person to do, without the consent of the owner of the copyright, anything that by this Act only the owner of the copyright has the right to do.

Moral rights- The author of a work has, subject to section 28.2, the right to the integrity of the work and, in connection with an act mentioned in section 3, the right, where reasonable in the circumstances, to be associated with the work as its author by name or under a pseudonym and the right to remain anonymous.

Creator- A person or thing that brings something into existence

Author- writer of a book, article, or report.

Plagiarism- The practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's

Fair dealing- for the purpose of research or private study does not infringe copyright.

Blanket permission-  still looking for this definition

Intellectual property- referring to a number of distinct types of creations of the mind for which a set of exclusive rights are recognized.

Public domain-
may refer to ideas, information, and works that are "publicly available", but in the context of intellectual property law, which includes copyright, patents, and trademarks, public domain refers to works, ideas, and information which are intangible to private ownership and/or which are available for use by members of the public

Journal Entry #6

I believe book trailers are a really smart way of getting people to read our books in the library. The trailer gives you a preview, just like a movie and leaves you hanging wanting to read the book. I believe it’s a very cool way to get people involved since so many people use computers and the internet. When I looked at our school YouTube page I noticed a few books that I wanted to read as well as when you were doing a presentation I was intrigued. Unfortunately though there are no trailers for books I have read.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Journal #5

During my spring break I went to Florida to visit my grandparents for a few days. It was a nice visit and the weather was pretty hot but I did absolutely nothing, so no I did not read any books although I did read a couple magazines on the plane rides both there and back.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Journal #4- eBooks

I believe eBooks could potentially take over the system of a library and all book stores. With the newer generations being more introduced to technology and being able to function it, it will make it more efficient and easier for everyone. Technology is evolving and it’s hyping up everyone, making them want what's popular at the moment. Old-Fashioned people are most-likely not going to want them, they won't convert to palm hold e-readers they prefer holding a book traditionally. I don’t think libraries will disappear but I do think they will be adapted with technology in an interesting way. Also wouldn’t it be better for the environment printing less paper and using technology instead?

Monday, March 7, 2011

Journal Entry #3- Experience in the Library

          My first few weeks as a library assistant has been very interesting, I know really appreciate all the work that goes into keeping a library organized and together. I have already learned a lot already from being directly told and also from you teaching other classes while I have been working. I have learned about the Mevil Dewey system, my alphabet again, shelving books, scanning books, and just how the whole system of a library works. What I have found frustrating is when people that are looking for books, take a book off a shelf and don’t put it back, leaving the shelves in a mess. Other than that I have been enjoying my time and experience in the library.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Poverty of Abundance- Journal 2

Poverty of Abundance

I found this article very interesting and very true! I believe that overabundance of information given to us is making us lazy and use less logic as well as finding incorrect information on the internet. If there was a billion websites on china’s plates; they can’t all be talking about the same thing? I have used Wikipedia numerous times to find answers and many answers that I found were probably all made up by someone else behind a computer screen trying to erupt the internet with false information. The advanced Google search decreases the variety of sites that show up and gives you more specific websites on what you’re looking for. The advanced search will help me in the future with finding more correct information and will be more efficient for my time for searching.   

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Biography of Author- Alisa Valdes-Rodriguez

Alisa Lynn Valdes was born in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Her father, Nelson Valdés, is a retired sociology professor at the University of New Mexico, and emigrated from Cuba in the early 1960s.Her mother, Maxine Conant, is a seventh-generation New Mexican of Irish descent, and a poet and novelist.
Valdes spent her childhood primarily in New Mexico, but also lived briefly in Glasgow, Scotland and New Orleans. Upon her graduation from Del Norte High School in Albuquerque she attended Berklee College of Music in Boston where she majored in jazz performance on the tenor saxophone.
Valdes-Rodriguez has since written six novels: Playing With Boys in 2004 and Make Him Look Good in 2006; a Young Adult novel, Haters, in 2006; Dirty Girls on Top, a sequel to The Dirty Girls Social Club, in 2008, The Husband Habit in 2009 and The Three Kings in 2010.

I chose to do a biography on this author because one of my favorite books she wrote which was Haters, I really enjoyed it and read more of her novels after I finished the first one.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Journal Topic #1-Quote

You know you've read a good book when you turn the last page and feel a little as if you have lost a friend.  ~Paul Sweeney

The author of this quote is Paul Sweeney he has written many popular quotes as well as novels. He is not an extremely famous author but is known by many. What the writer means by the quote is that, a good novel that you’re enjoying towards the end of it you are upset that it's over; you want to keep reading more. He uses it as an example as losing a friend, you spend time with the book just like a friend and when the book is over you've lost it. You get to know the book; as if you get to know a friend and when you’ve finished it, it is gone which is similar to the death and the loss of a friend but of course less traumatic. Although I find this only happens when you’re reading a book you’ve been enjoying. Many times when I am reading a good novel and it comes to an end I am very upset and want to keep reading. That is why I took the same understanding to the quote as the author did. I am very fond of this quote because I related to the quote and many times when I am finished a novel I feel the exact same way.