Friday, March 11, 2011

Journal #4- eBooks

I believe eBooks could potentially take over the system of a library and all book stores. With the newer generations being more introduced to technology and being able to function it, it will make it more efficient and easier for everyone. Technology is evolving and it’s hyping up everyone, making them want what's popular at the moment. Old-Fashioned people are most-likely not going to want them, they won't convert to palm hold e-readers they prefer holding a book traditionally. I don’t think libraries will disappear but I do think they will be adapted with technology in an interesting way. Also wouldn’t it be better for the environment printing less paper and using technology instead?

1 comment:

  1. I think that you are thinking like most other people. Less paper, less waste. Greater convenience, etc. However, how much energy are we using keeping our computers on or recharging our ereader batteries that is not used keeping a book on a shelf? How many toxic chemicals are used in electronic devices that will end up in a landfill and pollute ground water supplies in the future? What about communicating information to future gnerations? If we have saved all of our information in one format, what happens when that format changes and we no longer have the ability to access it (i.e. the floppy disc)? Just a few thoughts.
