Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Library Review

The library I reviewed was Southridge Secondary; which is a private school. From over viewing their library I was surprised to not see very much detail and content within the website. I had figured since they are promoting for parents for their children to attend to the school that they would have put more of an effort into showing the library which is a core area for learning throughout schooling but that was not the case. Their library focuses on how it originated and developed and not actually about what the library has to offer today. I noticed our website is much more complex and has a better image of promoting reading and encouraging coming to the library. Southridge’s library honestly did not have a lot to offer or see on their page, although they did have a gallery of images of their library but that was it. I thought I would have been more impressed but the layout and the content of ours is much more enhanced. Our library’s website lists what it has to offer to the students, the way you can locate books (dewey system), YouTube videos to promote new books in the library, and other important information you need to know.

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