Friday, March 11, 2011

Journal #4- eBooks

I believe eBooks could potentially take over the system of a library and all book stores. With the newer generations being more introduced to technology and being able to function it, it will make it more efficient and easier for everyone. Technology is evolving and it’s hyping up everyone, making them want what's popular at the moment. Old-Fashioned people are most-likely not going to want them, they won't convert to palm hold e-readers they prefer holding a book traditionally. I don’t think libraries will disappear but I do think they will be adapted with technology in an interesting way. Also wouldn’t it be better for the environment printing less paper and using technology instead?

Monday, March 7, 2011

Journal Entry #3- Experience in the Library

          My first few weeks as a library assistant has been very interesting, I know really appreciate all the work that goes into keeping a library organized and together. I have already learned a lot already from being directly told and also from you teaching other classes while I have been working. I have learned about the Mevil Dewey system, my alphabet again, shelving books, scanning books, and just how the whole system of a library works. What I have found frustrating is when people that are looking for books, take a book off a shelf and don’t put it back, leaving the shelves in a mess. Other than that I have been enjoying my time and experience in the library.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Poverty of Abundance- Journal 2

Poverty of Abundance

I found this article very interesting and very true! I believe that overabundance of information given to us is making us lazy and use less logic as well as finding incorrect information on the internet. If there was a billion websites on china’s plates; they can’t all be talking about the same thing? I have used Wikipedia numerous times to find answers and many answers that I found were probably all made up by someone else behind a computer screen trying to erupt the internet with false information. The advanced Google search decreases the variety of sites that show up and gives you more specific websites on what you’re looking for. The advanced search will help me in the future with finding more correct information and will be more efficient for my time for searching.